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Astrophotography is a variant of photography very different from the rest. Dedication, patience and resilience are the main virtues that the person capturing sky shots must work on. There are two types: landscape and deep space. The first focuses on the stars visible from earth, as well as the galactic center and the spiral arms of the Milky Way. Deep space astrophotography, on the other hand, attempts to obtain shots of more distant objects of smaller apparent size, such as nebulae and galaxies.
Each of these photographs represents several days or even weeks of work. Unlike a conventional photo, not just one shot of the object is taken, but hundreds of them with long exposure times. Subsequently, the files must be processed in dedicated programs to achieve the results that we see on the Internet and television.
The equipment used to do astrophotography is highly specialized, in most cases, and the learning curve is very steep.
In this collection I have tried to capture, to the best of my ability, the wonders of the cosmos. Each of these photographs carries in it all my dedication and passion for astronomy and for the universe.

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